Saturday, April 4, 2009


OK! So, here I am, sitting at my desk, trying to work on my Vatican II paper, but yet ... I'm not. No, instead I'm sitting here writing a blog that, instead of working on my paper. Oh how I love procrastination. Only problem with procrastinating right now is that the paper is due this Monday. As in, like a day and a half. Oh joyy! I'm screwed. LOL. But even though I know I'm going to have to cram tomorrow night to finish the stupid paper, I'm still procrastinating. What is it with humans and procrastinating? It doesn't give us any joy or happiness (probably just the opposite), and yet we still do it.

Me, I'm just lazy. I don't feel like working on the paper and I really should, but I'm too lazy too. In fact, I can't figure out a hook for the intro paragraph, so I decided to just give up. I started working on one of the body paragraphs, but then I got bored. *Sigh* How do I pass any of my classes?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


OK! So MM is coming up and it's coming up soon. IT'S TOMORROW! Woohoo! MM is our class competetion thing and it's the biggest event of the year. It's being held at a huge place and I'm super hyped for it. Our theme this year is Peter Pan. It's okay, I guess, but it could've been better. But next year we'll get a really good one fer sure[: Let me think ... what else?

Audri, probably my best friend at school, is coming to my place tomorrow after school to get ready for MM and sleepover! Woohoo! Sleepover! Let's get absolutely no sleep at all! Yay us! I'm super hyped for that too. Our class colors are green, so I have green make up, nail polish, braclets, hair extensions, earings, shoe laces, and everything else you could possibly think of. My mom and I went a little crazy when buying class color stuff. Well ... maybe a little is an understatement. But whatever! I'm showing my pride for my class! And there's my problem....

The group I hang out with are all a grade higher than me and MM is causing ... some friendly tension between us. They all want me to wear their color: red, but Audri will shot me (not literally) if I wear red. I've kind of always put them before us (my class/grade) & this is the one time I cannot do that. I promised her I wouldn't, so I won't. I'll just do a red lip[: I love them so much, but I also love my class and I have to support us. I mean, after all, you only get to be a freshman once, so why not make the most of it? So a bunch of the upper classmen pick on us and they think we're losers and they laughed at us at the assembly today. So what? We're still fresh, and we're still new, and we're still better than them[:

But enough about that, let's see ... what happened today?

Oh! In religion class today, we had to draw pictures that represented joy, peace, and gratitude(?), and my friend was going to draw a dove. So, she's drawing it in pen and all of a sudden, she says...

"These don't look like dove ears." *pause*

"Doves don't have ears Kim."

"Hahhahahaha! Shut up. Hahahaha. Forget I even said that."

Oh, we laughed for a good long time and I gave her so much crap about it through the rest of class. Oh boy was that good. "Dove ears?" That's priceless. And also, when my teacher was talking and explaining, she asked us ...

"So what did you guys talk besides being pregnant?" *big laughter throughout the classroom*

Apparently she had overheard some of the group conversations and they weren't really talking about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Yea, no, they were talking about being pregnant. What a great topic for religion class! LOL. Sorry guys, but we already finished sex ed like a month ago. We had sex ed in religion class. It was a tad awkward, but then again, when isn't sex ed awkward?

Well, I'm tired and I have to finish blow drying my hair and doing my homework. *sigh* I don't like homework. I really don't like homework, but who does? Exactly, no one. Well, have a good night and I hope you sleep well!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Ok, so today's day was pretty good. I woke up at 5:30 A.M., as usual. Gosh, what I do for my best friend. Anyways, today was pretty good I guess. I mean, nothing really spectacular happened, at least I don't think so. Well, let's go through my dad LOL.

So I woke up at 5:30 this morning and got ready. Blah, blah blah. I arrived at school at about 7, with Audri texting me about how I needed to get to the cafeteria quicker. Blah blah blah. She always does this. So I get to the caf, & we talk about some extremely random stuff. Boys, make up, her sister, la la la. I have to go to my first period class, SPANISH! I like Spanish. It's an OK class, but the teacher's not too bad and I'm not particularly bad at Spanish either. Nothing exciting happened in Spanish today.

Gosh, I hate that class with a BURNING pasison. The kids in my class are AWESOME, but I cannot stand that class. The teacher is OK, but I think he expects too much out of us. Either that, or we're just REALLY lazy, which I think would be the case. He's a little upse that we have like a 83% average or something. I'm not sure, I wasn't exactly paying attention. I was, but when he got to the numbers, I kind of blanked out. I was really tired and kind of hungry. So we don't really do anything exciting in his class, at least I don't think we do.

7TH OFF! So it's 7th off. Woohoo! Yea, except it's raining. I personally like being outside, rather than inside the caf or the library or the foyaye. But since it was raining, we were in the foyaye & then we went to the caf. I honestly don't think I did anything during that time. I just sat and did nothing, except listenend to my friends random conversations. Yea, I know, how fun. LOL. So, then I ... oh! Almost forgot! I got into these two advanced classes for my next year. An English Hnrs class & a history AP class[: I was very proud of myself, but a tad confused seeing as I didn't want to be in the English Hnrs class, but o well. What can ya do?

So to continue with 7th, we're in the foyaye doing absolutely nothing. Well, I'm not doing anything, but my friends are doing homework. I'm just too lazy to do homework if I'm not at a desk or table. I don't like doing my homework in my lap, it just annoys me for some odd reason. Anyways, it's now second lunch and my friend Lea(changed her name. Just know, I change most names) comes and I was really happy. & she also got a boyfriend[: We talk about stuff, and our class vs. class competition that is coming up this Thursday & she and my other friends are a little mad. See, we're in different grades; I'm a grade lower than all of them and I'm going to be wearing all of my class colors. But they want me to wear some of their class color, but I don't want to. Well, I do, but my friend says she'll get mad if I do, so that idea goes out the window. And now, because I'm not going to wear their class color, they're not goign to talk to me until the class vs class competition is over ]: Poor me.

PE! Gosh, what to say about PE? Hmm....I HATE IT. I am so bad at PE, it's not even funny. I am so awful at PE. Well, PE was ... well it was PE. Boring and I did not like it. So, that's all I have to say about that.

Well, I have no clue what to write about anymore except for I'm completely hooked on Seventeen magazine and make up. I'm a big make up person, even if I do only wear dark colors. Although i may seem very cheery, jubilant, somewhat prissy, and maybe annoying, I'm not. At least I don't think I am. I wear a lot of dark clothes and eye make up, but I normally very happy and outgoing and loud. But I'm not one of those valley girls. I LOVE PURPLE! Sorry, I'm kind of random.

Anyways, I have no clue what to write about now so I think I'll just stop writing. Though I write a lot, because I talk a lot. It's a little weird, I know, but it's true. I talk A LOT and I can't seem to stop talking even when people tell me to stop talking. It's not something I'm very good at. Anyways, I must go do my homework and .... yea, that's really all I have to do. Shower! And shower! Can't forget that! [:


Hello! My name is Kara aka Kyung Suh[: Kyung Suh's my Korean name and I think it means something around the lines of "good fortune" or "riches", but I'm not exactly sure. Oh, and by the way, this is just a "get to know me" kind of blog ... that sounded stupid, huh? Well, get used to it because I'm not always too coherent in what I say (does that make sense?). Let me see ....
What I Like To Do:
  • sing around the house (I'm not too good, btw)
  • dance around the house (it's just fun)
  • go on facebook
  • write creative stories & fanfiction
  • buy colored laces for my converses LOL
  • listen to music
  • hang out with friends
  • be myself :P

What I Don't Like To Do:
  • exercise. I hate exercising with a burning passion
  • listen to girls talk in a valley girl voice. just makes me crazy mad
  • see girls in a TON of bright pink
  • do the dishes or clean up my room (typical)
  • blow dry, flat iron, or have to do anything with my hair. I hate doing that stuff, but I must unfortunately
  • acting like someone I'm not

So, what else shall I tell you about me? Oh, I'm a high school girl attending a private catholic school. I really like school generally, but sometimes it gets on my nerves, but doesn't school get on everybody's nerves? I mean, I'm not the only one here. Uhmm ... my friends are my true life. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I might die (not literally). Oh! Movies! Music! Hahha

Fave Music:
  • Taylor Swift
  • All American Rejects
  • Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
  • Demi Lovato (only La La Land)
  • Kate Voegele
  • Katy Perry
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Lenka
  • The Killers
  • Hoobastank
  • Hellogoodbye
  • The Fray
  • Avril Lavigne
  • My American Heart
  • Ok Go
  • Panic! At the Disco
  • Fall Out Boy
  • and I could go on and on and on!

Fave Movies:
  • Batman Begins (couldn't watch Dark Knight. too scary)
  • Accepted
  • The Notebook (total classic)
  • Moulin Rouge! (another classic, I think)
  • Iron Man
  • Get Smart
  • Prayers for Bobby (probably the saddest movie I have ever seen)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean series
  • Spectacular! (I don't know why, I just do)

Fave Books:
  • Harry Potter Series
  • Twilight (yea, yea, I know)
  • Blood & Chocolate
  • The Womens Murder Club
  • The DaVinci Code
  • reading Death by Latte and it's pretty good
Fave TV Shows:
  • NCIS
  • Sonny With A Chance
  • Wizards of Waverly Place (only cuz of Justin's character!)
  • Degrassi: The Next Generation
  • What I Like About You

So what else should I write about? Well, this is long enough for now. :D I know, it was pretty long and I didn't have to go to another line every time I was saying something I liked, but I like doing that way. Well, hope you learned
something about me[: Hope you have fantastically awesome day! By the way, I'm very LOUD. And HYPER. Just thought you should know that[;